20 July 2024

What Is Cellulite Treatment?

Cellulite—most of us have heard of it, but there's a lot of confusion about what it really is. It's that dimpled skin appearance that happens when fat deposits push through the connective tissue beneath the skin. Cellulite is a common issue, and despite popular myths, it's not just about weight and it doesn't only affect women. Getting a clear picture of what cellulite is and how it can be treated is important if you're thinking about trying cellulite reduction treatments.

What Causes Cellulite?

Cellulite develops when fat deposits beneath the skin's surface push through subcutaneous tissue, resulting in a dimpled or lumpy appearance. Several factors contribute to the formation of cellulite:


Genetic predisposition plays a significant role in determining how prone someone is to developing cellulite. Factors such as metabolism, fat distribution, and skin structure inherited from parents can influence cellulite formation.


Hormonal changes, particularly fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels, can contribute to the development of cellulite. These hormones affect circulation, fat storage, and connective tissue integrity, potentially increasing the visibility of cellulite.

Lifestyle Factors

A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and smoking can exacerbate cellulite formation. Lack of exercise reduces blood flow and muscle tone, while unhealthy diets high in fat, carbohydrates, and salt can promote fat accumulation.

Connective Tissue Structure

The structure and elasticity of connective tissue under the skin play a crucial role. If the connective tissue is weak or inflexible, it allows fat cells to bulge through more easily, creating the characteristic dimpled skin appearance of cellulite.


As individuals age, skin loses elasticity and thickness, making cellulite more noticeable. Decreased collagen production and changes in fat distribution also contribute to the development of cellulite over time.


Different Types of Cellulite

Mild Cellulite

Mild cellulite occurs when dimpling is visible only when the skin is compressed. It can often be treated with topical treatments and lifestyle changes such as exercise.

Moderate Cellulite

Moderate cellulite is noticeable dimpling without compression, appearing more pronounced when standing or sitting, typically treated with non-invasive methods such as radiofrequency and ultrasound therapies.

Severe Cellulite

This involves pronounced dimpling and texture resembling "cottage cheese," visible even without compression, often requiring more intensive treatments like laser treatments or surgical options for significant improvement.

Each person's response to treatment will vary based on individual factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and overall health.


Cellulite Treatments


Avéli is an effective treatment that specifically targets cellulite. It uses a technique called Vacuum-Assisted Precise Tissue Release (VAPR) to cut through the fibrous bands that pull down the skin and create the puckered appearance associated with cellulite. By releasing these bands, Avéli helps to smooth the skin's surface and reduce the appearance of cellulite dimples. It does not remove fat but rather focuses on the structural causes of cellulite.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatment targets cellulite by melting excess fat cells and tightening the skin. They promote collagen production, leading to smoother skin texture.


Liposuction removes fat deposits beneath the skin, potentially reducing cellulite. However, it's not specifically designed to treat cellulite and may not always provide optimal results.

Topical Creams and Lotions

Many over-the-counter and prescription creams claim to reduce the appearance of cellulite. These products often contain ingredients like caffeine, retinol, and antioxidants to improve skin texture and firmness.

Massage Therapies

Massage techniques such as deep massage, lymphatic drainage and myofascial massage can help improve circulation, reduce fluid retention, and temporarily minimize the appearance of cellulite.

Radiofrequency and Ultrasound

Non-invasive treatments like radiofrequency, acoustic wave therapy, and ultrasound use heat to target underlying fat and stimulate collagen production. These treatments aim to smooth out cellulite and tighten the skin over time.

Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies

A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and hydration can help maintain skin health and reduce cellulite visibility. Additionally, regular exercise, including cardio and strength training, can improve circulation, tone muscles, and reduce overall body fat, potentially minimizing cellulite.

Get the Best Cellulite Treatment with True Contour

At True Contour, we understand that each case of cellulite is unique, requiring a personalized approach to treatment. Dr. Armendariz is dedicated to listening to your concerns and carefully evaluating your skin to determine the most effective cellulite treatment tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're experiencing mild, moderate, or severe cellulite, our range of treatments can help.

By working closely with you and providing informed choices based on a comprehensive assessment, we help you achieve smoother, firmer skin.