Brazilian Butt Lift

Premier Brazilian Butt Lift in Avondale, AZ

What is Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a well-received cosmetic surgery procedure designed to enhance the shape and size of the buttocks. In contrast to conventional buttock augmentation methods that utilize implants, a BBL utilizes your body's own fat to create a fuller, more youthful appearance. During the procedure, excess fat is taken from areas with surplus, like the abdomen or thighs, purified, and then injected into the buttocks.

Benefits of Choosing True Contour for Brazilian Butt Lift

The decision to undergo a Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery at True Contour Medical brings numerous benefits, setting our practice apart. Here are some key advantages of choosing True Contour Medical for your BBL:

Experienced and Skilled Surgeons

Brazilian Butt Lift Procedures at True Contour Medical are performed by highly experienced Brazilian Butt Lift Surgeons. Their expertise ensures the best possible results and safety throughout the entire process.

Natural-Looking Results

The Brazilian Butt Lift Surgeons at True Contour Medical are adept at achieving natural-looking outcomes. The BBL technique employed allows for precise shaping and contouring, ensuring that the results seamlessly align with your body's proportions.

Comprehensive Consultation

Your needs and goals take precedence as we dedicate time to understand your desires, answer your questions, and tailor a treatment plan during the consultation process. This plan is designed to align with your unique aesthetic preferences.

Why is Brazilian Butt Lift done?

Geared towards enhancing the appearance of the buttocks, a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is primarily performed for aesthetic reasons, aspiring to create a fuller and more youthful rear end. The procedure also extends body contouring benefits by removing excess fat from other areas through Liposucción. People select BBL to elevate self-confidence, achieve a balanced body contour, and address concerns like sagging or asymmetrical buttocks. It serves as a cosmetic surgery option that provides a more attractive and proportionate appearance, contributing to heightened self-esteem and satisfaction with one's physique.
Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedures

  1. Liposuction 
    The BBL procedure starts with Liposuction, where excess fat is meticulously removed from areas like the abdomen, flanks, thighs, or back. This not only provides fat for buttock augmentation but also sculpts and shapes the surrounding areas, improving the overall body proportions.
  2. Fat Purification
    The harvested fat undergoes a purification process to eliminate impurities. This guarantees that only healthy fat cells are utilized for the augmentation.
  3. Fat Injection
    The fat is purified and carefully injected into the buttocks. Our plastic surgeon strategically places the fat to create a natural-looking and harmonious shape, volume, and contour.

BBL Recovery and Post-Operative Care

Recovering from a BBL Surgery takes a few weeks. It is important to avoid sitting or lying directly on the buttocks during this time to ensure the newly transferred fat gets enough blood supply to survive. Temporary swelling and bruising are normal but will fade over time. Wearing compression garments can help with healing. It is crucial to have regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor progress.
BBL Recovery and Post-Operative Care
Brazilian Butt Lift

Who is a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

If you meet the following criteria, you could be an ideal candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery:
  • Keep up with good physical health to have a successful procedure.
  • Have enough excess fat in order to transfer it to the buttock area.
  • Have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure.

What are the risks of a Brazilian Butt Lift procedure?

Before considering a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery, it is important to understand that, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications involved. It is crucial to be fully aware of these risks. Here are the possible risks associated with a BBL Surgery:
  • potential infection risk post-procedure
  • possible changes in skin sensation, including numbness
  • potential for loose skin in liposuction-treated areas
  • The possibility of visible scars at incision sites.
  • Common occurrence of bruising after surgery.
  • Post-operative swelling.
  • Changes in skin color may also be observed.
Brazilian Butt Lift procedure

Frequently Asked Questions About Brazilian Butt Lift

Visit our FAQ section to uncover answers to frequently asked questions about the Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure, recovery, and more.
  • What is a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

    The BBL is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance buttock shape and volume by using a patient's own fat through liposuction and fat transfer.

  • Am I a suitable candidate for a BBL?

    Good candidates for a Brazilian Butt Lift are generally in good health, have enough fat for harvesting, and maintain realistic expectations. Determining eligibility can be achieved through a consultation with a Brazilian Butt Lift Surgeon.

  • How is a BBL different from Butt Implants?

    Through the use of your own fat for augmentation, a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) ensures a more natural look and feel in contrast to implants that rely on synthetic materials.

  • Is the procedure safe?

    A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon. Nevertheless, it's essential to acknowledge that all surgeries come with inherent risks.

  • What is the recovery like?

    Recovery from Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) includes temporary constraints on sitting and sleeping positions, along with the use of compression garments. Patients can typically return to work within a few weeks, with full recovery spanning a few months.

  • How long do the results last?

    While the results of a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) can be long-lasting, there might be some fat reabsorption. The preservation of results is enhanced by maintaining a stable weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle.
